These pages provide links to agenda, minutes, police reports and other public documents considered during the monthly meetings.
Note that minutes from a meeting are only published once approved at the subsequent meeting, so they will, as a rule, appear approx 6 weeks after the meeting to which they relate. AGM minutes are approved at the subsequent AGM.
Please note the next meeting and AGM will be held on Monday 10th February 2025 at 7.30 at Lauder Primary School and also by ZOOM( hopefully). Everyone is welcome to come along and to show an interest in the Community/ Community Council or to see the amount of work that the Councillors (all volunteers) do behind or on the scene.
If you wish to join the meeting on zoom, or prefer to stay nice and cosy on your sofa, please email our wonderful secretary and she will send you the link. However, please note when meetings are held at Blainslie Village Hall, WIFI may be a problem.
These Minutes and Notes can also be found on Lauderdale Community Council Facebook page where you are welcome to leave comments and someone will reply as soon as they can. A hard copy is also placed at the foot of the Town Hall with contact numbers and email addresses.
’20mph Community Council Information’
“Lauderdale Community Council, like all CC’s across the Scottish Borders, was not consulted on this change due to much of the decision making being made within the Lockdown period at SBC and Transport Scotland level. That said, we welcome any measures aimed at increasing road safety for our Community, Horse riders, Cyclists and Walkers within Lauderdale and of course on the narrower roads leading up to our surrounding villages. Concerns over the speed of traffic passing through the town and the surrounding area have regularly been brought at the LCC Meetings. We believe the changes will be introduced in Lauder in October and will be in place for a trial period of 18 months. We have no further detail at this stage. But please remember ‘drivers and motorcyclists must leave at least 2 metres space and drive at a speed under 10 mph when overtaking horse riders, horse drawn vehicles’ and leave at least 1.5 metres when overtaking cyclists at speeds of up to 30mph, and give them more space when overtaking at higher speeds.
We would like to ask that everyone during 2025 remains as vigilant towards our Community as they were in 2023/24. We all need to remember that everyone’s immune system is not the same or indeed as good as other individuals. Please, if someone chooses to stand a few feet away from you, this may be for a very good cause, if they choose to do this, they are not doing it our of rudeness, it’s more to do with protecting their health. These last couple of years have not been easy for many but no matter what, Lauderdale, as a Community, always tries to pull all the stops out and for this we would like to thank each and every one of our Community.
Additional Police Report January 2025
Festive period 24/25 Waste Service Collection
Cross Border Connection Information
SP Energy Network’s
Ewan Borthwick – Project Manger
Marlene Marimbe – Environmental Planner
Will be joining the LCC Meeting on the 14th October 2024.
Final notes from Inaugural Meeting August 2022
Draft Minutes August Inaugural Meeting
Sincere apologies for these going up late this Month.
July 2021 Leader and Lauderdale Police Report
Leader and Lauderdale Police report June 2021
Leaderdale and Melrose Police Report May 2021
Leaderdale and Melrose Police Report. April 2021
Leaderdale and Melrose Police Report March 2021
As a Community we would like to convey our sadness of the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. We extend condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and the Royal Family at this sad time.”
If you wish you can send a message of condolence using this link.
Additional link to Scottish Borders Council – ‘Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh’
Leaderdale and Melrose Police Report February 2021
Leaderdale and Melrose Police Report January 2021
Leaderdale and Melrose Community Councils Multi Member Ward Report for December 2020
Temporary Closure
C76 – Wineburgh Bridge – South Blainslie
Road Closure.
The C76 will be closed from 8am on the 9th of November to 4pm on the 22nd of November to allow repair work to be carried out to Wineburgh Bridge, south of Blainslie.
For information on Remembrance Sunday as per guidelines please go to the following link
Draft Minutes from October 2020
Draft Notes from Minutes July 2020
Draft Notes from Minutes June 2020
LCC Audited Accounts 2017/2018
Draft Notes from Minutes May 2020
We would like to thank all LCC Members and of course LCC’s Secretary for their continual dedication to Lauderdale.
Please remember anyone is welcome to attend the LCC meetings. Often there can be quite a list to go through during the evenings of our monthly meetings, with this in mind it is suggested that if you have any concerns that you contact the LCC in advance of any meetings, this way the points of concern can be put on the list to be brought up on the Agenda. However, if it is not possible for you to do this, we have started a list format for the evening. This allows all members of the public to write down, at the beginning of the meetings, their concerns or worries, these will be assessed by the Chairman and raised according to topics on the Agenda or at the end of the meeting.
Link to Coronavirus information
Let us hope that 2020 will see Lauderdale filled with a united sense Community spirit
Due to Covid 19 continued restrictions the few plans for 8th to 10th May will not be going ahead.
To cheer those who can not get out, or who have facebook or access to the Web Lauderdale Community Council would really appreciate everyone posting a picture of any of their creations for this momentous day. So, whether you have created a beautiful flower for your garden, or dressed your window or favourite teddy please do post it up on the Lauderdale Community Council page.
Let’s cheer our Town up virtually as well.
It is hoped this event will be celebrated late on in the year.
If any Member of the Public wishes to attend the May LCC meeting please email Anne Hogarth, secretary of the LCC
DRAFT Notes of LCC Meeting April 2020
Notes of LCC Interim Meeting 17-Mar-20
Draft Minutes from LCC meeting February 2020
Draft Minutes from LCC Meetings January 2020
Final Notes from LCC meeting December 2019
Final Notes from LCC meeting November 2019
Draft Notes from LCC Meeting December 2019
Draft Notes from LCC Meeting November 2019
Draft notes from LCC Meeting November 2019
The below notices where shared around at the latest LCC meeting and we felt they should be shared with you on line, please take a moment to click and read them then feel free to share them, thank you.
Final Notes from LCC Meeting October 2019
Draft Notes from LCC Meeting October 2019
Final Notes from LCC Meeting September 2019
Draft Notes from LCC Meeting September 2019
Final Notes of LCC Meeting July 2019
Final Notes of Inaugural Meeting June 2019
DRAFT Notes of LCC Meeting April 2019
Draft Notes of Inaugural LCC Meeting June 2019
Agenda for INAUGURAL MEETING June 2019
In the past, occasionally, the above-named meetings have meant that some matters arising within the Burgh have had to be postponed until the following months meeting. We apologise in advance if this ends up being the case but we are quite sure you will all understand and that we will do our best to address any issues or queries as soon as possible. In the meantime, we would like to thank all the Community Councillors for all the (unseen by many) hours they have dedicated to the Burgh over the last term, we know they have spent endless hours doing the best they can in their various departments while standing as Councillors.
We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome any new or returning Councillors and we are sure, wherever possible, this following term will be as supportive, productive and Community spirited for all ages and abilities. We are keen to invite a young adult ( or two) to be involved with this coming term, so if you can think of anyone who has a strong voice or view on the best way forward for the youngsters of Lauder please do email us.
2018 AGM Final Minutes with 2017 Accounts
Draft Minutes of 2018 AGM with 2017 Accounts
Report from Waste Aware Discussion at February 2019 Meeting
February Police Report for March Meeting 2019
January Police report for February Meeting 2019